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Blend a buffer onto another. This is the simplest filter, as it just renders one buffer on another, potentially using a color, an offset and fill options.

blend ({ src = input, dst = output, ox = 0, oy = 0, color = 'white', fillmode = 'none' })
src Source buffer to blend.
dst Destination buffer for blending.
ox X offset. Moves the buffer to the right (ox > 0) or to the left (ox < 0) by N pixels.
oy Y offset. Moves the buffer to the bottom (oy > 0) or to the top (oy < 0) by N pixels.
color A color to use for alpha to RGBA conversion. See Colors.
If the input is an alpha buffer and the output is RGBA, this will draw the buffer in this color. If both buffers are RGBA, this will multiply the colors.
fillmode Map the input onto the whole surface of the output by stretching or repeating it. See Fill modes.
blend ({ color = '#fff8' })