Thread Use Example

The following examples display a window with a label. An auxiliary thread semi-regularly changes the text of the label. If you want to display a regular animation, use the Ecore animators described in the Main Loop guide.

To use the ecore_thread_feedback() function:

1. Implement the GUI function that sets the text of a label and can be called from the main thread.

static void
_set_label_text(void *data, Ecore_Thread *thread __UNUSED__, void *msgdata)
   char buf[64];
   Evas_Object *label = data;
   snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Tick %d", (int)(uintptr_t)msgdata);
   elm_object_text_set(label, buf);

2. Send the feedback from the other thread using the ecore_thread_feedback() function. The following function does nothing besides sending the feedback and sleeping.

static void
_long_function(void *data __UNUSED__, Ecore_Thread *thread)
   int iteration;
   // Change the text roughly every 1 second. This is only an example; if you
   // want regular animations, use Ecore animators!
   for (iteration = 0; ; iteration++)
        // Since you are running from another thread, you need to take special
        // care and instead send data to the main thread and have it run the
        // feedback function given when creating the thread
        ecore_thread_feedback(thread, (void*)(uintptr_t)iteration);
        // Sleep for roughly one second

3. Create an end function that is called when the thread exits. In this example, the end function is called only right before the application exits. However, if the blocking function is more complex, it can trigger the end function.

static void
_end_func(void *data, Ecore_Thread *thread __UNUSED__)
   Evas_Object *label = data;
   elm_object_text_set(label, "Ticks over");

4. Call the ecore_thread_feedback_run() function to start the thread:

ecore_thread_feedback_run(_long_function, _set_label_text, _end_func, NULL, label, EINA_FALSE);

To use the ecore_main_loop_thread_safe_call_sync() function:

1. Implement the GUI function that sets the text of a label and can be called from the main thread. The function receives data as a structure and alternatively displays “Tick d” or “Tock d”.

struct thd
   Evas_Object *label;
   Eina_Bool tick_not_tock;
   int iteration;
static void *
_set_label_text_tick_tock(void *data)
   char buf[64];
   struct thd *thd = data;
   snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %d", (thd->tick_not_tock ? "Tick" : "Tock"), thd->iteration);
   elm_object_text_set(thd->label, buf);
   return NULL;

2. Use the ecore_main_loop_thread_safe_call_sync() function call the GUI function. Differentiate between the ticks and the tocks:

static void
_long_function_tick_tock(void *data, Ecore_Thread *thread __UNUSED__)
   struct thd *thd = malloc(sizeof(struct thd));
   thd->label = data;
   for (thd->iteration = 0; ; (thd->iteration)++)
        thd->tick_not_tock = EINA_TRUE;
        ecore_main_loop_thread_safe_call_sync(_set_label_text_tick_tock, thd);
        thd->tick_not_tock = EINA_FALSE;
        ecore_main_loop_thread_safe_call_sync(_set_label_text_tick_tock, thd);

3. Start the thread through the ecore_thread_run() function:

ecore_thread_run(_long_function_tick_tock, _end_func, NULL, label);