Table of Contents

Unified EFL API

The Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL) cover a wide range of functions including inter-process communication (IPC), graphics, audio and even location services. Other powerful features include file handling utilities, widgets and user interface controls, thumbnailing and rendering via scene graph. You can discover more of EFL's capabilities by visiting the About EFL page.

The Unified EFL API (Currently in BETA) is a reworking of the old many-libraries API into a single (Efl) namespace. It is build on top of Eo (Enlightenment Object) class definitions to provide inheritance of objects and to bind more closely to higher level languages.

The Efl API is split into three main areas: Efl_Core, Efl_Net and Efl_Ui, each encompassing the one before so you can include a single reference in your app. For basic offline applications use Efl_Core, for additional network and connectivity use Efl_Net and if you are building a graphical application then use Efl_Ui. In the C language (the default for this documentation) you will also see reference to Eina which provides common data constructs missing in low level languages.


Classes Brief description
Efl.Accelerate_Interpolator Efl accelerate interpolator class
Efl.Appthread This class houses the application's thread and main loop. It works similarly to Efl.App but allows communicating with it from a different thread through the Efl.ThreadIO, Efl.Io.Reader and Efl.Io.Writer interfaces. Methods can be scheduled to be executed in this thread using and Efl.ThreadIO.call_sync.
Efl.App Object representing the application itself.
Efl.Boolean_Model Efl.Model that efficiently stores boolean properties (they can only be true or false).
Efl.Bounce_Interpolator Efl bounce interpolator class
Efl.Class Abstract Efl class
Efl.Composite_Model Efl model for all composite class which provide a unified API to set source of data.
Efl.Config_Global This class is a singleton representing the global configuration for the running application.
Efl.Container_Model Class used to create data models from Eina containers.
Efl.Cubic_Bezier_Interpolator Efl cubic_bezier interpolator class
Efl.Decelerate_Interpolator Efl decelerate interpolator class
Efl.Divisor_Interpolator Efl divisor interpolator class
Efl.Exe This is a specialized Efl.Task which abstracts an operating system process. This class provides a way to start a task by running an executable file (specified using the Efl.Core.Command_Line interface) and further customize its execution flags (Efl.Exe.exe_flags) and environment variables (Efl.Exe.env). It also allows communicating with the process through signals (Efl.Exe.signal).
Efl.Filter_Model Filtering data that Efl.Model provides is the main feature of this class. This class provides a filter function so only children that match it are returned.
Efl.Generic_Model Generic model that allows any property to be manually set. Also children of the same type can be added and deleted.
Efl.Linear_Interpolator Efl linear interpolator class
Efl.Loop_Consumer An Efl.Loop_Consumer is a class which requires one of the parents to provide an Efl.Loop interface when performing Efl.Object.provider_find. It will enforce this by only allowing parents which provide such an interface or NULL.
Efl.Loop_Fd Fds are objects that watch the activity on a given file descriptor. This file descriptor can be a network, a file, provided by a library.
Efl.Loop_Handler An object that describes an low-level source of I/O to listen to for available data to be read or written, depending on the OS and data source type. When I/O becomes available various events are produced and the callbacks attached to them will be called.
Efl.Loop_Message_Future_Handler Internal use for future on an efl loop - replacing legacy ecore events
Efl.Loop_Message_Future Used internally for futures on the loop
Efl.Loop_Message_Handler Message handlers represent a single message type on the Efl.Loop parent object. These message handlers can be used to listen for that message type by listening to the message event for the generic case or a class specific event type to get specific message object typing correct.
Efl.Loop_Message Base message payload object class. Inherit this and extend for specific message types.
Efl.Loop_Model No description supplied.
Efl.Loop_Timer Timers are objects that will call a given callback at some point in the future and repeat that tick at a given interval.
Efl.Loop The Efl Main Loop
Efl.Model_Provider EFL object that provide a model to all.
Efl.Mono_Model_Internal_Child Internal Efl.Model implementation for the actual model data contained in a root Efl.Mono_Model_Internal.
Efl.Mono_Model_Internal Internal Efl.Model implementation for the root models in C# MVVM infrastructure.
Efl.Object_Override A special class to pass to #eo_super() when using #eo_override()
Efl.Object Abstract EFL object class.
Efl.Observable Efl observable class
Efl.Sinusoidal_Interpolator Efl sinusoidal interpolator class
Efl.Spring_Interpolator Efl spring interpolator class
Efl.Task EFL's abstraction for a task (process).
Efl.Text_Markup_Util Utility class for markup, such as conversions
Efl.Thread No description supplied.
Interfaces Brief description
Efl.Audio_Control Player interface for audio related properties
Efl.Config A generic configuration interface, that holds key-value pairs.
Efl.Container Common interface for objects (containers) that can have multiple contents (sub-objects).
Efl.Content Common interface for objects that have a single sub-object as content.
Efl.Control Efl control interface
Efl.Duplicate An interface for duplication of objects.
Efl.File_Save Efl file saving interface
Efl.Interpolator Efl interpolator interface
Efl.Model Basic Model abstraction.
Efl.Observer Efl observer interface
Efl.Pack_Layout Low-level APIs for objects that can lay their children out.
Efl.Pack_Linear Common interface for objects (containers) with multiple contents (sub-objects) which can be added and removed at runtime in a linear fashion.
Efl.Pack_Table Interface for 2D containers which arrange their elements on a table with rows and columns.
Efl.Pack Common interface for objects (containers) with multiple contents (sub-objects) which can be added and removed at runtime.
Efl.Part Interface for objects supporting named parts.
Efl.Playable Efl media playable interface
Efl.Player Efl media player interface
Efl.Screen Efl screen interface
Efl.Text_Annotate Cursor API
Efl.Text_Cursor Cursor API
Efl.Text_Font Font settings of the text
Efl.Text_Format The look and layout of the text
Efl.Text_Interactive This is an interface interactive text inputs should implement
Efl.Text_Markup_Interactive Markup data that populates the text object's style and format
Efl.Text_Markup Markup data that populates the text object's style and format
Efl.Text_Style Style to apply to the text
Efl.Text Efl text interface
Mixins Brief description
Efl.File Efl file interface
Efl.ThreadIO This mixin defines input and output pointers to allow exchanging data with another thread. It also defines a mechanism to call methods on that thread.
Aliases Brief description
Efl.Callback_Priority Callback priority. Range is -32k - 32k. The lower the number, the higher the priority.
Efl.Event_Cb Efl event callback type
Efl.Text_Annotate_Annotation EFL text annotations data structure
Efl.Text_Cursor_Cursor Text cursor data structure
Structures Brief description
Efl.Event_Animator_Tick EFL event animator tick data structure
Efl.Event_Description This struct holds the description of a specific event.
Efl.File_Save_Info Info used to determine various attributes when saving a file.
Efl.Loop_Arguments EFL loop arguments data structure
Efl.Model_Changed_Event Every time the model is changed on the object.
Efl.Model_Children_Event Every time a child is added the event Efl.Model.child,added is dispatched passing along this structure.
Efl.Model_Property_Event EFL model property event data structure
Efl.Observable_Tuple This type describes an observable touple
Efl.Time This type is a alias for struct tm. It is intended to be a standard way to reference it in .eo files.
Efl.Version This type describes the version of EFL with an optional variant.
Enums Brief description
Efl.Exe_Flags Flags to customize process behavior.
Efl.Exe_Signal Signal is a notification, a message sent by either operating system or some application to our program. Signals are a mechanism for one-way asynchronous notifications. A signal may be sent from the kernel to a process, from a process to another process, or from a process to itself. Signal typically alert a process to some event, such as a segmentation fault, or the user pressing Ctrl-C.
Efl.Loop_Handler_Flags A set of flags that can be OR'd together to indicate which are desired
Efl.Task_Flags Flags to further customize task's behavior.
Efl.Task_Priority How much processor time will this task get compared to other tasks running on the same processor.
Efl.Text_Bidirectional_Type Bidirectionaltext type
Efl.Text_Cursor_Get_Type All available cursor states
Efl.Text_Cursor_Type Text cursor types
Efl.Text_Font_Bitmap_Scalable Scalable of bitmap fonts
Efl.Text_Font_Slant Type of font slant
Efl.Text_Font_Weight Type of font weight
Efl.Text_Font_Width Type of font width
Efl.Text_Format_Horizontal_Alignment_Auto_Type Auto-horizontal alignment of the text
Efl.Text_Format_Wrap Wrap mode of the text (not in effect if not multiline)
Efl.Text_Style_Backing_Type Whether to apply backing style to the displayed text or not
Efl.Text_Style_Effect_Type Effect to apply to the displayed text
Efl.Text_Style_Shadow_Direction Direction of the shadow style, if used
Efl.Text_Style_Strikethrough_Type Whether to apply strikethrough style to the displayed text or not
Efl.Text_Style_Underline_Type Underline type of the displayed text
Constants Brief description
Efl.Callback_Priority_After Slightly less prioritized than default.
Efl.Callback_Priority_Before Slightly more prioritized than default.
Efl.Callback_Priority_Default Default priority.


Interfaces Brief description
Efl.Access.Editable.Text Elementary editable text interface
Efl.Access.Selection Elementary access selection interface
Efl.Access.Text Elementary accessible text interface
Efl.Access.Value Elementary Access value interface
Efl.Access.Window Elementary accessible window interface
Mixins Brief description
Efl.Access.Action Accessible action mixin
Efl.Access.Component AT-SPI component mixin
Efl.Access.Object Accessibility accessible mixin
Efl.Access.Widget.Action Access widget action mixin
Aliases Brief description
Efl.Access.Action_Data Internal struct for accesssibility.
Efl.Access.State_Set Accessibility object state set.
Structures Brief description
Efl.Access.Attribute Accessibility Attribute
Efl.Access.Event.Children_Changed.Data Accessibility children changed event data
Efl.Access.Event.Geometry_Changed.Data Accessibility geometry changed event data
Efl.Access.Event.Handler Accessibility event listener
Efl.Access.Event.State_Changed.Data Accessibility state changed event data
Efl.Access.Relation Accessibility Relation
Efl.Access.Text_Attribute Text attribute
Efl.Access.Text_Change_Info Text change information
Efl.Access.Text_Range Text range
Enums Brief description
Efl.Access.Reading.Info.Type The accessible Reading information type that can be read.
Efl.Access.Relation_Type Describes the relationship between two objects.
Efl.Access.Role Describes the role of an object visible to Accessibility Clients.
Efl.Access.State_Type Describes the possible states for an object visible to accessibility clients.
Efl.Access.Text_Clip_Type Text clip type
Efl.Access.Text_Granularity Text accessibility granularity
Efl.Access.Type Type of accessibility object


Interfaces Brief description
Efl.Cached.Item Efl Cached Item interface


Classes Brief description
Efl.Canvas.Animation_Alpha Efl alpha animation class
Efl.Canvas.Animation_Group_Parallel Efl group parallel animation class
Efl.Canvas.Animation_Group_Sequential Efl group sequential animation class
Efl.Canvas.Animation_Group Efl group animation abstract class
Efl.Canvas.Animation_Player Player object for playing canvas animations.
Efl.Canvas.Animation_Rotate Efl rotate animation class
Efl.Canvas.Animation_Scale Efl scale animation class
Efl.Canvas.Animation_Translate Efl translate animation class
Efl.Canvas.Animation Efl animation class
Efl.Canvas.Event_Grabber Low-level rectangle object.
Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Double_Tap Double-tap gesture class holding state information. See Efl.Canvas.Gesture to see what this state is and Efl.Gesture.Events.gesture,double_tap for a description of the Double-tap gesture.
Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Flick Flick gesture class holding state information. See Efl.Canvas.Gesture to see what this state is and Efl.Gesture.Events.gesture,flick for a description of the Flick gesture.
Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Long_Tap Long-tap gesture class holding state information. See Efl.Canvas.Gesture to see what this state is and Efl.Gesture.Events.gesture,long_tap for a description of the Long-tap gesture.
Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Manager This class keeps track of active Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Recognizer objects. For internal use only.
Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Momentum Momentum gesture class holding state information. See Efl.Canvas.Gesture to see what this state is and Efl.Gesture.Events.gesture,momentum for a description of the Momentum gesture.
Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Recognizer_Double_Tap This is the recognizer for Double-Tap gestures. See Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Double_Tap and Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Recognizer. For internal use only.
Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Recognizer_Flick This is the recognizer for Flick gestures. See Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Flick and Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Recognizer. For internal use only.
Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Recognizer_Long_Tap This is the recognizer for Long-tap gestures. See Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Long_Tap and Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Recognizer. For internal use only.
Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Recognizer_Momentum This is the recognizer for Momentum gestures. See Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Momentum and Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Recognizer. For internal use only.
Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Recognizer_Tap This is the recognizer for Tap gestures. See Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Tap and Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Recognizer. For internal use only.
Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Recognizer_Triple_Tap This is the recognizer for Triple-tap gestures. See Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Triple_Tap and Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Recognizer. For internal use only.
Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Recognizer_Zoom This is the recognizer for Zoom gestures. See Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Zoom and Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Recognizer. For internal use only.
Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Recognizer Base abstract class for Gesture Recognizers. For internal use only.
Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Tap Tap gesture class holding state information. See Efl.Canvas.Gesture to see what this state is and Efl.Gesture.Events.gesture,tap for a description of the Tap gesture.
Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Touch EFL Gesture Touch class
Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Triple_Tap Triple-tap gesture class holding state information. See Efl.Canvas.Gesture to see what this state is and Efl.Gesture.Events.gesture,triple_tap for a description of the Triple-tap gesture.
Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Zoom Zoom gesture class holding state information. See Efl.Canvas.Gesture to see what this state is and Efl.Gesture.Events.gesture,zoom for a description of the Flick gesture.
Efl.Canvas.Gesture Base abstract class to support gesture-specific classes.
Efl.Canvas.Group A group object is a container for other canvas objects. Its children move along their parent and are often clipped with a common clipper. This is part of the legacy smart object concept.
Efl.Canvas.Image_Internal Efl canvas internal image class
Efl.Canvas.Image Low-level Image object.
Efl.Canvas.Layout_Part_Box Represents a Box created as part of a layout.
Efl.Canvas.Layout_Part_External Class representing an external part in Edje layouts.
Efl.Canvas.Layout_Part_Invalid Common class for part proxy objects for Efl.Canvas.Layout.
Efl.Canvas.Layout_Part_Swallow Represents a SWALLOW part of an Edje object.
Efl.Canvas.Layout_Part_Table Represents a Table created as part of a layout.
Efl.Canvas.Layout_Part_Text Represents a TEXT part of a layout
Efl.Canvas.Layout_Part Common class for part proxy objects for Efl.Canvas.Layout.
Efl.Canvas.Layout Edje object class
Efl.Canvas.Object Efl canvas object abstract class
Efl.Canvas.Polygon Low-level polygon object
Efl.Canvas.Proxy Low-level proxy image object.
Efl.Canvas.Rectangle Evas canvas rectangle class
Efl.Canvas.Scene3d A UI view for EFL Canvas 3D.
Efl.Canvas.Snapshot Low-level snapshot image object.
Efl.Canvas.Surface_Tbm Native Tizen Buffer Manager surface for Efl canvas
Efl.Canvas.Surface_Wayland Native Wayland surface for Efl canvas
Efl.Canvas.Surface_X11 Native X11 surface for Efl canvas
Efl.Canvas.Surface Native surfaces usually bound to an externally-managed buffer.
Efl.Canvas.Text Efl canvas text class
Efl.Canvas.Vg.Container Efl vector graphics container class
Efl.Canvas.Vg.Gradient_Linear Efl vector graphics gradient linear class
Efl.Canvas.Vg.Gradient_Radial Efl vector graphics gradient radial class
Efl.Canvas.Vg.Gradient Efl vectopr graphics gradient abstract class
Efl.Canvas.Vg.Image Efl vector graphics image class
Efl.Canvas.Vg.Node Efl vector graphics abstract class
Efl.Canvas.Vg.Object Efl vector graphics class
Efl.Canvas.Vg.Shape Efl vector graphics shape class
Efl.Canvas.Video Efl canvas video class
Interfaces Brief description
Efl.Canvas.Pointer Efl Canvas Pointer interface
Efl.Canvas.Scene Interface containing basic canvas-related methods and events.
Efl.Canvas.Text_Factory Object factory that creates Efl.Canvas.Object objects.
Mixins Brief description
Efl.Canvas.Filter.Internal Evas internal implementation of filters.
Structures Brief description
Efl.Canvas.Animation_Player_Event_Running Information of event running
Efl.Canvas.Filter.State_Name Filter state name structure
Efl.Canvas.Filter.State_Text Filter state text structure
Efl.Canvas.Filter.State Internal structure representing the state of a Gfx Filter
Efl.Canvas.Object_Animation_Event Information of animation events
Efl.Canvas.Surface_X11_Pixmap The type used by Efl.Canvas.Surface.native_buffer.
Enums Brief description
Efl.Canvas.Animation_Repeat_Mode Animation repeat mode
Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Recognizer_Result This enum type describes the state of a gesture recognizer.
Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Recognizer_Type This enum type describes the state of a touch event.
Efl.Canvas.Gesture_State This enum type describes the state of a gesture.
Efl.Canvas.Gesture_Touch_State This enum type describes the state of a touch event.
Efl.Canvas.Layout_Part_Text_Expand Text layout policy to enforce. If none is set, only min/max descriptions are taken into account.
Efl.Canvas.Layout_Part_Type Type of a part in an Efl.Canvas.Layout object (edje object).
Efl.Canvas.Vg.Fill_Mode Enumeration that defines how viewbox will be filled int the vg canvs's viewport. default Fill_Mode is none


Classes Brief description
Efl.Core.Env This object can maintain a set of key value pairs
Efl.Core.Proc_Env No description supplied.
Mixins Brief description
Efl.Core.Command_Line A mixin that implements standard functions for command lines.


Classes Brief description
Efl.Datetime.Manager Efl datetime manager class for Datepicker and Timepicker


Interfaces Brief description
Efl.Gesture.Events No description supplied.


Classes Brief description
Efl.Gfx.Vg.Value_Provider Efl Vector Value Provider class.
Interfaces Brief description
Efl.Gfx.Arrangement This interface provides methods for manipulating how contents are arranged within a container, providing more granularity for content positioning.
Efl.Gfx.Blur A simple API to apply blur effects.
Efl.Gfx.Buffer Common APIs for all objects representing images and 2D pixel buffers.
Efl.Gfx.Entity Efl graphics interface
Efl.Gfx.Fill Efl graphics fill interface
Efl.Gfx.Filter Graphical filters can be applied to any object implementing this interface.
Efl.Gfx.Frame_Controller Efl frame controller of frame based animated object interface.
Efl.Gfx.Gradient_Linear Efl graphics gradient linear interface
Efl.Gfx.Gradient_Radial Efl graphics gradient radial interface
Efl.Gfx.Gradient Efl graphics gradient interface
Efl.Gfx.Hint Efl graphics hint interface
Efl.Gfx.Image_Load_Controller Common APIs for all loadable 2D images.
Efl.Gfx.Image_Orientable Interface for images which can be rotated or flipped (mirrored).
Efl.Gfx.Image This interface defines a set of common APIs which should be implemented by image objects.
Efl.Gfx.Size_Class Efl Gfx Size Class interface
Efl.Gfx.Stack Efl graphics stack interface
Efl.Gfx.Text_Class Efl Gfx Text Class interface
Efl.Gfx.View Efl graphics view interface
Mixins Brief description
Efl.Gfx.Color_Class This mixin provides an interface for objects supporting color classes (this is, named colors) and provides a helper method to also allow hexadecimal color codes.
Efl.Gfx.Color Efl Gfx Color mixin class
Efl.Gfx.Mapping Texture UV mapping for all objects (rotation, perspective, 3d, ...).
Efl.Gfx.Path EFL graphics path object interface
Efl.Gfx.Shape EFL graphics shape object interface
Structures Brief description
Efl.Gfx.Color32 32 bit color data structure
Efl.Gfx.Dash Type describing dash. Efl.Gfx.Shape.stroke_dash.set
Efl.Gfx.Event.Render_Post Data sent along a "render,post" event, after a frame has been rendered.
Efl.Gfx.Gradient_Stop Type defining gradient stops. Describes the location and color of a transition point in a gradient.
Efl.Gfx.Image_Stretch_Region This struct holds the description of a stretchable region in one dimension (vertical or horizontal). Used when scaling an image.
Efl.Gfx.Shape_Public Public shape
Efl.Gfx.Stroke_Color Internal structure for Efl.Gfx.Stroke.
Efl.Gfx.Stroke Type defining stroke information. Describes the properties to define the path stroke.
Enums Brief description
Efl.Gfx.Buffer_Access_Mode Graphics buffer access mode
Efl.Gfx.Cap These values determine how the end of opened sub-paths are rendered in a stroke. Efl.Gfx.Shape.stroke_cap.set
Efl.Gfx.Center_Fill_Mode How an image's center region (the complement to the border region) should be rendered by EFL
Efl.Gfx.Change_Flag What property got changed for this object
Efl.Gfx.Color_Class_Layer Efl Gfx Color Class layer enum
Efl.Gfx.Colorspace Graphics colorspace type
Efl.Gfx.Fill_Rule Type defining how an image content get filled.
Efl.Gfx.Frame_Controller_Loop_Hint Frame loop modes
Efl.Gfx.Gradient_Spread Specifies how the area outside the gradient area should be filled. Efl.Gfx.Gradient.spread.set
Efl.Gfx.Hint_Aspect Aspect types/policies for scaling size hints.
Efl.Gfx.Image_Content_Hint How an image's data is to be treated by EFL, for optimization.
Efl.Gfx.Image_Orientation An orientation type, to rotate and flip images.
Efl.Gfx.Image_Scale_Hint How an image's data is to be treated by EFL, with regard to scaling cache.
Efl.Gfx.Image_Scale_Method Enumeration that defines scaling methods to be used when rendering an image.
Efl.Gfx.Join These values determine how two joining lines are rendered in a stroker. Efl.Gfx.Shape.stroke_join.set
Efl.Gfx.Path_Command_Type These values determine how the points are interpreted in a stream of points.
Efl.Gfx.Render_Op Graphics render operation mode
Efl.Gfx.Vg_Composite_Method No description supplied.
Constants Brief description
Efl.Gfx.Hint_Align_Bottom Use with Efl.Gfx.Hint.hint_align.
Efl.Gfx.Hint_Align_Center Use with Efl.Gfx.Hint.hint_align.
Efl.Gfx.Hint_Align_Left Use with Efl.Gfx.Hint.hint_align.
Efl.Gfx.Hint_Align_Right Use with Efl.Gfx.Hint.hint_align.
Efl.Gfx.Hint_Align_Top Use with Efl.Gfx.Hint.hint_align.
Efl.Gfx.Hint_Expand Use with Efl.Gfx.Hint.hint_weight.
Efl.Gfx.Stack_Layer_Max top-most layer number
Efl.Gfx.Stack_Layer_Min bottom-most layer number


Classes Brief description
Efl.Input.Device Represents a pointing device such as a touch finger, pen or mouse.
Efl.Input.Focus Represents a focus event.
Efl.Input.Hold Event data sent when inputs are put on hold or resumed.
Efl.Input.Key Represents a single key event from a keyboard or similar device.
Efl.Input.Pointer Event data carried over with any pointer event (mouse, touch, pen, ...)
Interfaces Brief description
Efl.Input.Interface An object implementing this interface can send pointer events.
Efl.Input.State Efl input state interface.
Mixins Brief description
Efl.Input.Clickable Efl input clickable interface
Efl.Input.Event Represents a generic event data.
Structures Brief description
Efl.Input.Clickable_Clicked A struct that expresses a click in elementary.
Enums Brief description
Efl.Input.Device_Type General type of input device.
Efl.Input.Flags Special flags set during an input event propagation.
Efl.Input.Lock Key locks such as Num Lock, Scroll Lock and Caps Lock.
Efl.Input.Modifier Key modifiers such as Control, Alt, etc...
Efl.Input.Object_Pointer_Mode How the mouse pointer should be handled by EFL.
Efl.Input.Value Keys for the generic values of all events.

Classes Brief description
Efl.Io.Buffered_Stream A wrapper object offering easy to use buffered streams over existing I/O class.
Efl.Io.Buffer Generic In-memory buffer of data to be used as I/O.
Efl.Io.Copier Copy from an Efl.Io.Reader source to Efl.Io.Writer destination.
Efl.Io.File File access (open, close, read, write, lseek, ftruncate)
Efl.Io.Manager Class representing an asynchronous file operation.
Efl.Io.Model Efl Io model class
Efl.Io.Queue Generic In-memory queue of data to be used as I/O.
Efl.Io.Stderr Application's standard error (stderr).
Efl.Io.Stdin Application's standard input (stdin).
Efl.Io.Stdout Application's standard output (stdout).
Interfaces Brief description
Efl.Io.Closer Generic interface for objects that can close themselves.
Efl.Io.Reader Generic interface for objects that can read data into a provided memory.
Efl.Io.Writer Generic interface for objects that can write data from a provided memory.
Mixins Brief description
Efl.Io.Closer_Fd Close fd using close(2).
Efl.Io.Positioner_Fd Positions fd using lseek(2).
Efl.Io.Positioner Generic interface for objects that can change or report position.
Efl.Io.Reader_Fd Reads fd using read(2).
Efl.Io.Sizer_Fd Resizes fd usign ftruncate(2).
Efl.Io.Sizer Generic interface for objects that can resize or report size of themselves.
Efl.Io.Writer_Fd Writes fd using write(2).
Enums Brief description
Efl.Io.Positioner_Whence Seek position modes


Interfaces Brief description
Efl.Layout.Calc This interface defines a common set of APIs used to trigger calculations with layout objects.
Efl.Layout.Group APIs representing static data from a group in an edje file.
Efl.Layout.Signal Layouts asynchronous messaging and signaling interface.

Classes Brief description
Efl.Net.Control.Access_Point An access point for network connectivity.
Efl.Net.Control.Manager Controls network connectivity.
Efl.Net.Control.Technology A technology that allows control of network access points.
Efl.Net.Dialer_Http HTTP Dialer (Client).
Efl.Net.Dialer_Simple Connects to a remote server offering an easy to use, buffered I/O.
Efl.Net.Dialer_Ssl Connects to a remote SSL server using TCP.
Efl.Net.Dialer_Tcp Connects to a remote TCP server.
Efl.Net.Dialer_Udp Connects to a remote UDP server.
Efl.Net.Dialer_Unix Connects to a local AF_UNIX server.
Efl.Net.Dialer_Websocket WebSocket Dialer (Client).
Efl.Net.Dialer_Windows Connects to a Windows NamedPipe server.
Efl.Net.Ip_Address An Internet Protocol (IP) Address.
Efl.Net.Server_Fd A generic server based on file descriptors.
Efl.Net.Server_Ip An IP server.
Efl.Net.Server_Simple A network server wrapper that creates clients based on Efl.Net.Socket_Simple.
Efl.Net.Server_Ssl A SSL server over TCP.
Efl.Net.Server_Tcp A TCP server.
Efl.Net.Server_Udp_Client A UDP client child of Efl.Net.Server_Udp
Efl.Net.Server_Udp A UDP server.
Efl.Net.Server_Unix An AF_UNIX server.
Efl.Net.Server_Windows A Windows NamedPipe server.
Efl.Net.Session Used by application to request network connectivity.
Efl.Net.Socket_Fd A base implementation for sockets over file descriptors (fd)
Efl.Net.Socket_Simple A wrapper socket offering an easy to use, buffered I/O.
Efl.Net.Socket_Ssl A wrapper socket doing SSL (Secure Sockets Layer).
Efl.Net.Socket_Tcp A base TCP socket.
Efl.Net.Socket_Udp A base UDP socket.
Efl.Net.Socket_Unix A base UNIX socket.
Efl.Net.Socket_Windows A base Windows NamedPipe socket.
Efl.Net.Ssl.Context A SSL Context that is used to start a SSL socket wrapper.
Interfaces Brief description
Efl.Net.Dialer Creates a client socket to reach a remote peer.
Efl.Net.Server The basic server interface.
Efl.Net.Socket The basic socket interface.
Structures Brief description
Efl.Net.Control.Agent_Browser_Url Reports to agent that it should open a browser at a given URL.
Efl.Net.Control.Agent_Error Reports error to the agent.
Efl.Net.Control.Agent_Request_Input_Information Name-value information pair provided to the agent.
Efl.Net.Control.Agent_Request_Input Requests input to the agent.
Efl.Net.Dialer_Websocket_Closed_Reason Close reason event payload.
Efl.Net.Http.Header An HTTP Header.
Efl.Net.Ip_Address_Resolve_Results The results of Efl.Net.Ip_Address.resolve call.
Enums Brief description
Efl.Net.Control.Access_Point_Error The reason for the connection error.
Efl.Net.Control.Access_Point_Ipv4_Method The method used to configure IPv4
Efl.Net.Control.Access_Point_Ipv6_Method The method used to configure IPv6
Efl.Net.Control.Access_Point_Proxy_Method The method used to configure Proxies.
Efl.Net.Control.Access_Point_Security Bitwise-able securities supported by an access point.
Efl.Net.Control.Access_Point_State Provides the access point state.
Efl.Net.Control.Agent_Request_Input_Field Bitwise-able fields requested to the agent.
Efl.Net.Control.State Provides the global network connectivity state.
Efl.Net.Control.Technology_Type Technology types
Efl.Net.Dialer_Http_Primary_Mode Primary HTTP mode
Efl.Net.Dialer_Websocket_Close_Reason Registered reasons for the CLOSE (opcode=0x8).
Efl.Net.Dialer_Websocket_Streaming_Mode How to map WebSocket to EFL I/O Interfaces.
Efl.Net.Http.Authentication_Method HTTP authentication methods
Efl.Net.Http.Status Common HTTP status codes. A more detailed description on the various HTTPS status codes can be found one Wikipedia:
Efl.Net.Http.Version HTTP protocol versions
Efl.Net.Session_State Provides the session connectivity state.
Efl.Net.Session_Technology Bitwise-able technologies to allow for a network session.
Efl.Net.Ssl.Cipher Defines the SSL/TLS version to use.
Efl.Net.Ssl.Verify_Mode Defines how remote peers should be verified.


Classes Brief description
Efl.Ui.Action_Connector Helper class that connects theme signals or object events to the interfaces which are for actions.
Efl.Ui.Alert_Popup_Part Efl UI Alert Popup internal part class
Efl.Ui.Alert_Popup A variant of Efl.Ui.Popup which uses a layout containing a content object and a variable number of buttons (up to 3 total).
Efl.Ui.Animation_View Elementary Animation view class. Animation view is designed to show and play animation of vector graphics based content. It hides all Efl.Canvas.Vg.Object details but just open an API to read vector data from file. Also, it implements details of animation control methods of Vector.
Efl.Ui.Average_Model Class to be used to store object item size for List/Grid View.
Efl.Ui.Bg The bg (background) widget is used for setting (solid) background decorations for a window (unless it has transparency enabled) or for any container object. It works just like an image, but has some properties useful for backgrounds, such as setting it to tiled, centered, scaled or stretched.
Efl.Ui.Box_Flow A Flow Box is a customized type of Efl.Ui.Box. It will fill along the axis selected with Efl.Ui.Layout_Orientable.orientation (which defaults to Horizontal), until items will no longer fit in the available space, at which point it will begin filling items in a new row/column after the current one. This is useful if an application wants to e.g., present a group of items and wrap them onto subsequent lines when the number of items grows too large to fit on the screen. Adding or removing items in the middle re-arrange the rest of the items as expected.
Efl.Ui.Box_Stack A custom layout engine for Efl.Ui.Box that stacks items.
Efl.Ui.Box A container that arranges children widgets in a vertical or horizontal fashion.
Efl.Ui.Button_Legacy_Part Elementary button internal part class
Efl.Ui.Button Push-button widget
Efl.Ui.Caching_Factory Efl UI Factory that provides object caching.
Efl.Ui.Calendar_Item Item in a Efl.Ui.Calendar
Efl.Ui.Calendar Calendar widget
Efl.Ui.Check_Legacy_Part Elementary check internal part class
Efl.Ui.Check Check widget.
Efl.Ui.Clock_Legacy Efl UI clock class
Efl.Ui.Clock Efl UI clock class
Efl.Ui.Collection_Focus_Manager Internal class which implements collection specific behaviour, cannot be used outside of Efl.Ui.Collection.
Efl.Ui.Collection_View_Focus_Manager Internal class which implements collection specific behaviour, cannot be used outside of collection
Efl.Ui.Collection_View This widget displays a list of items in an arrangement controlled by an external Efl.Ui.Collection_View.position_manager object. By using different Efl.Ui.Collection_View.position_manager objects this widget can show unidimensional lists or two-dimensional grids of items, for example.
Efl.Ui.Collection This widget displays a list of items in an arrangement controlled by an external Efl.Ui.Collection.position_manager object. By using different Efl.Ui.Collection.position_manager objects this widget can show unidimensional lists or two-dimensional grids of items, for example.
Efl.Ui.Datepicker Datepicker widget
Efl.Ui.Default_Item Default Item Class.
Efl.Ui.Exact_Model Class to be used to store object item size for List/Grid View.
Efl.Ui.Flip_Part Efl UI flip internal class
Efl.Ui.Flip Efl UI flip class
Efl.Ui.Focus.Composition_Adapter This class allows an Efl.Canvas.Object to receive focus as if they were Efl.Ui.Widget.
Efl.Ui.Focus.Manager_Calc Calculates the elements present in each Efl.Ui.Focus.Direction.
Efl.Ui.Focus.Manager_Root_Focus This class ensures that the root is at least focusable, if nothing else is focusable.
Efl.Ui.Focus.Parent_Provider_Standard EFL UI Focus Parent Provider Standard Class.
Efl.Ui.Focus.Util EFL UI Focus Utility class.
Efl.Ui.Frame Frame widget
Efl.Ui.Grid_Default_Item Default Item class to be used inside Efl.Ui.Grid containers. The icon part is in the middle, the extra part overlaps it on its upper-right corner. The text part is centered below the icon. Theming can change this arrangement.
Efl.Ui.Grid_View A scrollable grid of Efl.Ui.Item objects, typically Efl.Ui.Grid_Default_Item objects.
Efl.Ui.Grid A scrollable grid of Efl.Ui.Item objects, typically Efl.Ui.Grid_Default_Item objects.
Efl.Ui.Group_Item Special Efl.Ui.Item that acts as group header.
Efl.Ui.Homogeneous_Model Class to be used to store object item size for List/Grid View.
Efl.Ui.Image_Factory Efl UI image factory class
Efl.Ui.Image_Zoomable_Pan Elementary photocom pan class
Efl.Ui.Image_Zoomable Elementary Image Zoomable class
Efl.Ui.Image Efl UI image class
Efl.Ui.Internal.Text.Interactive An internal object in charge of the interactive aspect of the text widget.
Efl.Ui.Internal_Text_Scroller Internal-usage text scroller class.
Efl.Ui.Item Selectable Item abstraction.
Efl.Ui.Layout_Base EFL layout widget abstract.
Efl.Ui.Layout_Factory Efl.Ui.Factory that creates Efl.Ui.Layout objects with caching.
Efl.Ui.Layout_Part_Bg Elementary layout internal part background class
Efl.Ui.Layout_Part_Box Represents a Box created as part of a layout.
Efl.Ui.Layout_Part_Content Elementary layout internal part class
Efl.Ui.Layout_Part_Legacy Elementary layout internal part class
Efl.Ui.Layout_Part_Table Represents a Table created as part of a layout.
Efl.Ui.Layout_Part_Text Elementary layout internal part class
Efl.Ui.Layout_Part Elementary layout internal part class
Efl.Ui.Layout EFL layout widget class.
Efl.Ui.List_Default_Item Default Item class to be used inside Efl.Ui.List containers. It displays the three parts in horizontal order: icon, text and extra. Theming can change this arrangement.
Efl.Ui.List_Placeholder_Item List Placeholder Item class. This item have only one swallow space, thus user can decorate item by filling the swallow with any kind of container.
Efl.Ui.List_View A scrollable list of Efl.Ui.Item objects, typically Efl.Ui.List_Default_Item objects.
Efl.Ui.List A scrollable list of Efl.Ui.Item objects, typically Efl.Ui.List_Default_Item objects.
Efl.Ui.Navigation_Bar_Part_Back_Button Efl.Ui.Navigation_Bar internal part back button class.
Efl.Ui.Navigation_Bar_Part Efl UI Navigation_Bar internal part class
Efl.Ui.Navigation_Bar Navigation_Bar widget.
Efl.Ui.Navigation_Layout Navigation_Layout widget.
Efl.Ui.Panel Elementary panel class
Efl.Ui.Panes_Part Elementary Panes internal part class
Efl.Ui.Panes Elementary panes class
Efl.Ui.Pan Pan widget class.
Efl.Ui.Popup_Part_Backwall A Popup backwall is the background object for an Efl.Ui.Popup widget. It can be returned from a given Popup widget by using the Efl.Part API to fetch the "backwall" part.
Efl.Ui.Popup A styled container widget which overlays a window's contents.
Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Grid Implementation of Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Entity for two-dimensional grids.
Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.List Implementation of Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Entity for a list
Efl.Ui.Progressbar_Legacy_Part Elementary progressbar internal part class
Efl.Ui.Progressbar_Part Elementary progressbar internal part class
Efl.Ui.Progressbar Elementary progressbar class
Efl.Ui.Property_Bind_Part Every part returned by an Efl.Ui.Widget_Factory will enable the Efl.Ui.Factory to remember what part to call Efl.Ui.Property_Bind.property_bind on when an item is created enabling to propagate binding model property to item object property.
Efl.Ui.Radio_Box A standard Efl.Ui.Box container which automatically handles grouping of any Efl.Ui.Radio widget added to it in addition to regular widgets.
Efl.Ui.Radio_Group_Impl Object with the default implementation for Efl.Ui.Radio_Group.
Efl.Ui.Radio_Legacy_Part Elementary radio internal part class
Efl.Ui.Radio Elementary radio button class.
Efl.Ui.Relative_Layout The relative layout class.
Efl.Ui.Scroll.Manager Efl ui scroll manager class
Efl.Ui.Scroller Widget container that allows objects bigger than itself to be put inside it, and provides scrolling functionality so the whole content is visible.
Efl.Ui.Select_Model Efl ui select model class
Efl.Ui.Selection_Manager No description supplied.
Efl.Ui.Size_Model Class to be used to store object item size for List/Grid View.
Efl.Ui.Slider_Interval An interval slider.
Efl.Ui.Slider Elementary slider class
Efl.Ui.Spin_Button A Button Spin.
Efl.Ui.Spin A Spin.
Efl.Ui.Spotlight.Container The Spotlight widget is a container for other sub-widgets, where only one sub-widget is active at any given time.
Efl.Ui.Spotlight.Indicator_Icon No description supplied.
Efl.Ui.Spotlight.Indicator Object used by Efl.Ui.Spotlight.Container to render an indication of the active widgets' position among the rest of the container's widgets.
Efl.Ui.Spotlight.Manager_Plain No description supplied.
Efl.Ui.Spotlight.Manager_Scroll No description supplied.
Efl.Ui.Spotlight.Manager_Stack No description supplied.
Efl.Ui.Spotlight.Manager Manager object used by Efl.Ui.Spotlight.Container to handle rendering and animation of its sub-widgets, and user interaction.
Efl.Ui.Spotlight.Util No description supplied.
Efl.Ui.State_Model Efl model handling visibility, enable and selected state
Efl.Ui.Tab_Bar_Default_Item A icon that represents the default parts in the appearance of the tab bar.
Efl.Ui.Tab_Bar A selectable box of items.
Efl.Ui.Tab_Pager Container for Efl.Ui.Tab_Page
Efl.Ui.Tab_Page A holder class for setting up a page in the pager.
Efl.Ui.Table_Static Efl UI table static class
Efl.Ui.Table Widget container that arranges its elements in a grid.
Efl.Ui.Tags A widget displaying a list of tags. The user can remove tags by clicking on each tag "close" button and add new tags by typing text in the text entry at the end of the list.
Efl.Ui.Text_Async Efl UI text async class
Efl.Ui.Text_Editable Efl UI text editable class
Efl.Ui.Text_Factory.Emoticons Factory that creates emoticons from the current theme given a key.
Efl.Ui.Text_Factory.Fallback Internal factory for fallback cases.
Efl.Ui.Text_Factory.Images Factory that creates images given key string
Efl.Ui.Text_Part Efl UI Text internal part class
Efl.Ui.Textpath_Part Efl UI Textpath internal part class
Efl.Ui.Textpath Efl Ui Textpath class
Efl.Ui.Text A flexible text widget which can be static (as a label) or editable by the user (as a text entry). It provides all sorts of editing facilities like automatic scrollbars, virtual keyboard, clipboard, configurable context menus, password mode or autocapitalization, for example.
Efl.Ui.Theme Efl Ui Theme class
Efl.Ui.Timepicker Timepicker widget
Efl.Ui.Video Efl UI video class
Efl.Ui.View_Factory This class provide a utility function that class that wish to use Efl.Ui.Factory.create should use.
Efl.Ui.View_Model Efl model providing helpers for custom properties used when linking a model to a view and you need to generate/adapt values for display.
Efl.Ui.Widget_Factory Efl Ui Factory that provides Efl.Ui.Widget.
Efl.Ui.Widget_Part_Bg Elementary widget internal part background class
Efl.Ui.Widget_Part_Shadow A drop-shadow or glow effect around any widget.
Efl.Ui.Widget_Part This is the base class for all "Part" handles in Efl.Ui widgets.
Efl.Ui.Widget Base class for all Efl.Ui.* widgets
Efl.Ui.Win_Inlined An inlined window.
Efl.Ui.Win_Part Efl UI window interal part class
Efl.Ui.Win_Socket An off-screen window to be displayed in a remote process.
Efl.Ui.Win Efl UI window class.
Interfaces Brief description
Efl.Ui.Autorepeat Interface for autorepeating clicks.
Efl.Ui.Container_Selectable Temporare interface, this is here until collection_view lands
Efl.Ui.Draggable Efl UI draggable interface
Efl.Ui.Drag Common interface for draggable objects and parts.
Efl.Ui.Factory_Bind Efl UI Property interface. view object can have Efl.Model and need to set cotent with those model stored data. the interface can help binding the factory to create object with model property data. see Efl.Model see Efl.Ui.Factory
Efl.Ui.Factory Interface for factory-pattern object creation.
Efl.Ui.Focus.Manager_Window_Root An interface to indicate the end of a focus chain.
Efl.Ui.Focus.Manager Interface for managing focus objects.
Efl.Ui.Focus.Parent_Provider EFL UI Focus Parent Provider interface
Efl.Ui.I18n A common Internationalization interface for UI objects.
Efl.Ui.Item_Clickable Shared sets of events between Efl.Ui.Collection and Efl.Ui.Collection_View.
Efl.Ui.L10n Interface for all translatable text APIs.
Efl.Ui.Layout_Orientable Interface for UI objects which can have more than one orientation.
Efl.Ui.Legacy The bg (background) widget is used for setting (solid) background decorations
Efl.Ui.Menu Efl UI menu interface
Efl.Ui.Multi_Selectable_Async Interface for getting access to a range of selected items for widgets that provide them asynchronously.
Efl.Ui.Multi_Selectable Interface for getting access to a range of selected items.
Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Data_Access_V1 Interface for abstracting the data access of the position managers.
Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Entity This abstracts the basic placement of items in a not-defined form under a viewport.
Efl.Ui.Property_Bind Efl UI Property_Bind interface. view object can have Efl.Model to manage the data, the interface can help loading and tracking child data from the model property. see Efl.Model see Efl.Ui.Factory
Efl.Ui.Radio_Group Interface for manually handling a group of Efl.Ui.Radio buttons.
Efl.Ui.Range_Display Interface that contains properties regarding the displaying of a value within a range.
Efl.Ui.Range_Interactive Interface that extends the normal displaying properties with usage properties.
Efl.Ui.Scrollable Efl UI scrollable interface
Efl.Ui.Scrollbar Interface used by widgets which can display scrollbars, enabling them to hold more content than actually visible through the viewport. A scrollbar contains a draggable part (thumb) which allows the user to move the viewport around the content. The size of the thumb relates to the size of the viewport compared to the whole content.
Efl.Ui.Selectable Selectable interface for UI objects
Efl.Ui.Single_Selectable Interface for getting access to a single selected item in the implementor.
Efl.Ui.Text_Selectable Efl UI text selectable interface
Efl.Ui.View Efl UI view interface
Efl.Ui.Zoom Efl UI zoom interface
Mixins Brief description
Efl.Ui.Dnd_Container No description supplied.
Efl.Ui.Dnd No description supplied.
Efl.Ui.Focus.Composition This defines the inheriting widget as Composition widget.
Efl.Ui.Focus.Layer This defines the widget as a focus layer.
Efl.Ui.Focus.Manager_Sub A class that automatically registers its border elements in the parent manager.
Efl.Ui.Focus.Object Functions of focusable objects.
Efl.Ui.Format Helper mixin that simplifies converting numerical values to text.
Efl.Ui.Layout_Orientable_Readonly No description supplied.
Efl.Ui.Selection Efl Ui Selection class
Efl.Ui.Widget_Focus_Manager Helper mixin for widgets which also can act as focus managers.
Efl.Ui.Widget_Scrollable_Content Mixin helper to add scrollable content to widgets.
Aliases Brief description
Efl.Ui.Format_Func A function taking an Eina.Value and producing its textual representation. See Efl.Ui.Format.format_func.
Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Object_Batch_Callback Function callback for getting a batch of items.
Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Size_Batch_Callback Function callback for getting sizes of a batch of items.
Efl.Ui.Selection_Data_Ready Function pointer for getting selection
Structures Brief description
Efl.Ui.Alert_Popup_Button_Clicked_Event Information for Efl.Ui.Alert_Popup.button,clicked event.
Efl.Ui.Factory_Item_Created_Event EFL UI Factory event structure provided when an item was just created.
Efl.Ui.Focus.Manager_Logical_End_Detail Structure holding the focus object with extra information on logical end.
Efl.Ui.Focus.Relations Structure holding the graph of relations between focusable objects.
Efl.Ui.Format_Value A value which should always be displayed as a specific text string. See Efl.Ui.Format.format_values.
Efl.Ui.Image_Error Structure associated with smart callback 'download,progress'.
Efl.Ui.Image_Progress Structure associated with smart callback 'download,progress'.
Efl.Ui.Item_Clickable_Clicked A struct that expresses a click in item of container widget.
Efl.Ui.Item_Clickable_Pressed A struct that expresses a press or unpress in item of container widget.
Efl.Ui.Panel_Scroll_Info Panel scroll information
Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Object_Batch_Entity Struct that is getting filled by the object function callback.
Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Object_Batch_Result Struct returned by the object access callback
Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Range_Update A structure containing the updated range of visible items in this position manger.
Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Request_Range Representing the range of a request.
Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Size_Batch_Entity Struct that is getting filled by the size function callback.
Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Size_Batch_Result Struct returned by the size access callback.
Efl.Ui.Position_Manager.Size_Call_Config Struct that is returned by the function callbacks.
Efl.Ui.Property_Event EFL Ui property event data structure triggered when an object property change due to the interaction on the object.
Efl.Ui.Selection_Changed Selection-changed specific information.
Efl.Ui.Selection_Data Structure holding the info about selected data
Efl.Ui.Spotlight.Transition_Event Information regarding transition events.
Efl.Ui.Text_Change_Info This structure includes all the information about content changes.
Efl.Ui.Widget_Focus_State All relevant fields needed for the current state of focus registration
Enums Brief description
Efl.Ui.Activate Accessibility
Efl.Ui.Alert_Popup_Button Defines the type of the alert button.
Efl.Ui.Animation_View_State State of animation view
Efl.Ui.Calendar_Weekday A weekday
Efl.Ui.Clock_Type Identifies a clock field, The widget supports 6 fields : Year, month, Date, Hour, Minute, AM/PM
Efl.Ui.Drag_Dir Permitted directions for dragging objects.
Efl.Ui.Flip_Interaction Efl UI flip interaction mode used by Efl.Ui.Flip.interaction.
Efl.Ui.Flip_Mode Efl UI flip mode used by Efl.Ui.Flip.go and Efl.Ui.Flip.go_to.
Efl.Ui.Focus.Autoscroll_Mode Focus Autoscroll Mode
Efl.Ui.Focus.Direction Focus directions.
Efl.Ui.Focus.Move_Policy Focus Movement Policy.
Efl.Ui.Format_String_Type Type of formatting string.
Efl.Ui.Layout_Orientation Orientation for UI objects and layouts that can have multiple configurations.
Efl.Ui.Panel_Orient Panel orientation mode
Efl.Ui.Popup_Align This is the alignment method for positioning Popup widgets.
Efl.Ui.Scrollbar_Mode When should the scrollbar be shown.
Efl.Ui.Select_Mode Type of multi selectable object.
Efl.Ui.Selection_Action Defines the kind of action associated with the drop data
Efl.Ui.Selection_Format Selection format
Efl.Ui.Selection_Type Selection type
Efl.Ui.Slider_Indicator_Visible_Mode Slider's indicator visibility mode.
Efl.Ui.Softcursor_Mode Software cursor mode.
Efl.Ui.Text_Scroller_Mode No description supplied.
Efl.Ui.Textpath_Direction Textpath direction
Efl.Ui.Widget_Orientation_Mode Widget orientation mode, or how the theme handles screen orientation.
Efl.Ui.Win_Indicator_Mode Defines the type indicator that can be shown.
Efl.Ui.Win_Keyboard_Mode The different layouts that can be requested for the virtual keyboard.
Efl.Ui.Win_Modal_Mode Defines the mode of a modal window.
Efl.Ui.Win_Move_Resize_Mode Define the move or resize mode of a window.
Efl.Ui.Win_Type Defines the types of window that can be created.
Efl.Ui.Win_Urgent_Mode Defines the mode of a urgent window.
Efl.Ui.Zoom_Mode Types of zoom available.