Efl.Ui.Image_Zoomable (class)


Elementary Image Zoomable class

Since 1.23


Efl.Ui.Image (class)Efl.Ui.Widget (class)Efl.Canvas.Group (class)Efl.Canvas.Object (class)Efl.Loop_Consumer (class)Efl.Object (class)

Full hierarchy


constructor [Overridden from Efl.Object]

Implement this method to provide optional initialization code for your object.
Efl_Object *efl_constructor(Eo *obj);

file (get, set) [Overridden from Efl.File]

The file path from where an object will fetch the data.
const char *efl_file_get(const Eo *obj);
Eina_Error efl_file_set(Eo *obj, const char *file);

gesture_enabled (get, set)

The gesture state for photocam.
Eina_Bool efl_ui_image_zoomable_gesture_enabled_get(const Eo *obj);
void efl_ui_image_zoomable_gesture_enabled_set(Eo *obj, Eina_Bool gesture);

group_member_add [Overridden from Efl.Canvas.Group]

Set a canvas object as a member of a given group (or smart object).
void efl_canvas_group_member_add(Eo *obj, Efl_Canvas_Object *sub_obj);

group_size_max (get) [Overridden from Efl.Layout.Group]

Eina_Size2D efl_layout_group_size_max_get(const Eo *obj);

group_size_min (get) [Overridden from Efl.Layout.Group]

Eina_Size2D efl_layout_group_size_min_get(const Eo *obj);

icon (get, set) [Overridden from Efl.Ui.Image]

The image name, using icon standards names.
const char *efl_ui_image_icon_get(const Eo *obj);
Eina_Bool efl_ui_image_icon_set(Eo *obj, const char *name);

image_orientation (get, set) [Overridden from Efl.Gfx.Image_Orientable]

Control the orientation (rotation and flipping) of a visual object.
Efl_Gfx_Image_Orientation efl_gfx_image_orientation_get(const Eo *obj);
void efl_gfx_image_orientation_set(Eo *obj, Efl_Gfx_Image_Orientation dir);

image_region (get, set)

The region of the image that is currently shown
Eina_Rect efl_ui_image_zoomable_image_region_get(const Eo *obj);
void efl_ui_image_zoomable_image_region_set(Eo *obj, Eina_Rect region);

image_size (get) [Overridden from Efl.Gfx.Image]

Eina_Size2D efl_gfx_image_size_get(const Eo *obj);

load [Overridden from Efl.File]

Perform all necessary operations to open and load file data into the object using the Efl.File.file (or Efl.File.mmap) and Efl.File.key properties.
Eina_Error efl_file_load(Eo *obj);

paused (get, set) [Overridden from Efl.Player]

Pause state of the media file.
Eina_Bool efl_player_paused_get(const Eo *obj);
Eina_Bool efl_player_paused_set(Eo *obj, Eina_Bool paused);

playable (get) [Overridden from Efl.Playable]

Eina_Bool efl_playable_get(const Eo *obj);

playback_position (get, set) [Overridden from Efl.Player]

Position in the media file.
double efl_player_playback_position_get(const Eo *obj);
void efl_player_playback_position_set(Eo *obj, double sec);

playback_progress (get) [Overridden from Efl.Player]

double efl_player_playback_progress_get(const Eo *obj);

playback_speed (get, set) [Overridden from Efl.Player]

Control the playback speed of the media file.
double efl_player_playback_speed_get(const Eo *obj);
void efl_player_playback_speed_set(Eo *obj, double speed);

playing (get, set) [Overridden from Efl.Player]

Playback state of the media file.
Eina_Bool efl_player_playing_get(const Eo *obj);
Eina_Bool efl_player_playing_set(Eo *obj, Eina_Bool playing);

position (get, set) [Overridden from Efl.Gfx.Entity]

The 2D position of a canvas object.
Eina_Position2D efl_gfx_entity_position_get(const Eo *obj);
void efl_gfx_entity_position_set(Eo *obj, Eina_Position2D pos);

scroll [Overridden from Efl.Ui.Scrollable]

Show a specific virtual region within the scroller content object.
void efl_ui_scrollable_scroll(Eo *obj, Eina_Rect rect, Eina_Bool animation);

signal_callback_add [Overridden from Efl.Layout.Signal]

Adds a callback for an arriving Edje signal, emitted by a given Edje object.
Eina_Bool efl_layout_signal_callback_add(Eo *obj, const char *emission, const char *source, EflLayoutSignalCb func);

signal_callback_del [Overridden from Efl.Layout.Signal]

Removes a signal-triggered callback from an object.
Eina_Bool efl_layout_signal_callback_del(Eo *obj, const char *emission, const char *source, EflLayoutSignalCb func);

size (get, set) [Overridden from Efl.Gfx.Entity]

The 2D size of a canvas object.
Eina_Size2D efl_gfx_entity_size_get(const Eo *obj);
void efl_gfx_entity_size_set(Eo *obj, Eina_Size2D size);

unload [Overridden from Efl.File]

Perform all necessary operations to unload file data from the object.
void efl_file_unload(Eo *obj);

view_size (get, set) [Overridden from Efl.Gfx.View]

The dimensions of this object's viewport.
Eina_Size2D efl_gfx_view_size_get(const Eo *obj);
void efl_gfx_view_size_set(Eo *obj, Eina_Size2D size);

zoom_animation (get, set) [Overridden from Efl.Ui.Zoom]

This sets the zoom animation state to on or off for zoomable. The default is off. When paused is true, it will stop zooming using animation on zoom level changes and change instantly, stopping any existing animations that are running.
Eina_Bool efl_ui_zoom_animation_get(const Eo *obj);
void efl_ui_zoom_animation_set(Eo *obj, Eina_Bool paused);

zoom_level (get, set) [Overridden from Efl.Ui.Zoom]

Zoom level of the image.
double efl_ui_zoom_level_get(const Eo *obj);
void efl_ui_zoom_level_set(Eo *obj, double zoom);

zoom_mode (get, set) [Overridden from Efl.Ui.Zoom]

Zoom mode.
Efl_Ui_Zoom_Mode efl_ui_zoom_mode_get(const Eo *obj);
void efl_ui_zoom_mode_set(Eo *obj, Efl_Ui_Zoom_Mode mode);

elm_actions (get) protected [Overridden from Efl.Access.Widget.Action]

const Efl_Access_Action_Data *efl_access_widget_action_elm_actions_get(const Eo *obj);

on_focus_update protected [Overridden from Efl.Ui.Focus.Object]

Virtual function handling focus in/out events on the widget.
Eina_Bool efl_ui_focus_object_on_focus_update(Eo *obj);

theme_apply protected [Overridden from Efl.Ui.Widget]

Virtual function called when the widget needs to re-apply its theme.
Eina_Error efl_ui_widget_theme_apply(Eo *obj);

widget_input_event_handler protected [Overridden from Efl.Ui.Widget]

Virtual function handling input events on the widget.
Eina_Bool efl_ui_widget_input_event_handler(Eo *obj, const Efl_Event *eo_event, Efl_Canvas_Object *source);


protected action_localized_name (get)
protected accessible_at_point_get Gets top component object occupying space at given coordinates.
protected contains Contains accessible widget
protected screen_position (get, set) Position of accessible widget.
protected z_order (get)
static access_root (get)
access_type (get, set) Type of accessibility object
attribute_append Add key-value pair identifying object extra attributes
attribute_del delete key-value pair identifying object extra attributes when key is given
attributes_clear Removes all attributes in accessible object.
description (get, set) Contextual information about object.
relationship_append Defines the relationship between two accessible objects.
relationship_remove Removes the relationship between two accessible objects.
relationships_clear Removes all relationships in accessible object.
role (get, set) The role of the object in accessibility domain.
translation_domain (get, set) The translation domain of "name" and "description" properties.
static protected event_emit Emit event
static protected event_handler_add Register accessibility event listener
static protected event_handler_del Deregister accessibility event listener
protected index_in_parent (get)
protected localized_role_name (get)
protected reading_info_type (get, set) Reading information of an accessible object.
protected relations_get Gets an all relations between accessible object and other accessible objects.
protected role_name (get)
protected action_description (get, set) Action description for given id
protected action_do Performs action on given widget.
protected action_keybinding_get Gets configured keybinding for specific action and widget.
protected action_name (get)
protected actions (get)
group_change Marks the object as dirty.
group_member_is Finds out if a given object is a member of this group.
group_members_iterate Returns an iterator over the children of this object, which are canvas objects.
group_need_recalculate (get, set) Indicates that the group's layout needs to be recalculated.
paragraph_direction (get, set) This handles text paragraph direction of the given object. Even if the given object is not textblock or text, its smart child objects can inherit the paragraph direction from the given object. The default paragraph direction is inherit.
protected group_clipper (get)
above (get)
anti_alias (get, set) Whether or not the given Evas object is to be drawn anti-aliased.
below (get)
clipped_objects (get)
clipped_objects_count Returns the number of objects clipped by obj
coords_inside (get)
event_freeze Freeze events of this object.
event_thaw Thaw events of object.
geometry (get, set) Rectangular geometry that combines both position and size.
gesture_manager_get Returns current canvas's gesture manager
has_fixed_size (get, set) A hint for an object that its size will not change.
hint_align (get, set) Hints for an object's alignment.
hint_aspect (get, set) Defines the aspect ratio to respect when scaling this object.
hint_fill (get, set) Hints for an object's fill property that used to specify "justify" or "fill" by some users. Efl.Gfx.Hint.hint_fill specify whether to fill the space inside the boundaries of a container/manager.
hint_margin (get, set) Hints for an object's margin or padding space.
hint_size_combined_max (get)
hint_size_combined_min (get)
hint_size_max (get, set) Hints on the object's maximum size.
hint_size_min (get, set) Hints on the object's minimum size.
protected set hint_size_restricted_max (get, set) Internal hints for an object's maximum size.
protected set hint_size_restricted_min (get, set) Internal hints for an object's minimum size.
hint_weight (get, set) Hints for an object's weight.
key_focus (get, set) Indicates that this object is the keyboard event receiver on its canvas.
key_grab Requests keyname key events be directed to obj.
key_ungrab Removes the grab on keyname key events by obj.
layer (get, set) The layer of its canvas that the given object will be part of.
loop (get)
lower_to_bottom Lower obj to the bottom of its layer.
pass_events (get, set) Whether an Evas object is to pass (ignore) events.
pointer_inside (get)
pointer_mode (get, set) Low-level pointer behaviour.
pointer_mode_by_device (get, set) Low-level pointer behaviour by device. See Efl.Canvas.Object.pointer_mode.get and Efl.Canvas.Object.pointer_mode.set for more explanation.
precise_is_inside (get, set) Whether to use precise (usually expensive) point collision detection for a given Evas object.
propagate_events (get, set) Whether events on a smart object's member should be propagated up to its parent.
raise_to_top Raise obj to the top of its layer.
render_op (get, set) Render mode to be used for compositing the Evas object.
repeat_events (get, set) Whether an Evas object is to repeat events to objects below it.
seat_event_filter (get, set) Whether input events from a given seat are enabled. If the filter list is empty (no seat is disabled) this object will report mouse, keyboard and focus events from any seat, otherwise those events will only be reported if the event comes from a seat that is not in the list.
seat_focus (get)
seat_focus_add Add a seat to the focus list.
seat_focus_check Check if this object is focused by a given seat
seat_focus_del Remove a seat from the focus list.
stack_above Stack obj immediately above
stack_below Stack obj immediately below
protected render_parent (get)
key (get, set) The key which corresponds to the target data within a file.
loaded (get)
mmap (get, set) The mmaped file from where an object will fetch the real data (it must be an Eina.File).
content_padding (get, set) This property determines the space between a container's content items.
color_code (get, set) Hexadecimal color code of given Evas object (#RRGGBBAA).
lighting_3d Apply a lighting effect on the object.
lighting_3d_absolute Apply a lighting effect to the object.
mapping_alpha (get, set) Alpha flag for map rendering.
mapping_clockwise (get)
mapping_color (get, set) Color of a vertex in the map.
mapping_coord_absolute (get, set) A point's absolute coordinate on the canvas.
mapping_has Read-only property indicating whether an object is mapped.
mapping_point_count (get, set) Number of points of a map.
mapping_reset Resets the map transformation to its default state.
mapping_smooth (get, set) Smoothing state for map rendering.
mapping_uv (get, set) Map point's U and V texture source point.
perspective_3d Apply a perspective transform to the map
perspective_3d_absolute Apply a perspective transform to the map
rotate Apply a rotation to the object.
rotate_3d Rotate the object around 3 axes in 3D.
rotate_3d_absolute Rotate the object around 3 axes in 3D, using absolute coordinates.
rotate_absolute Apply a rotation to the object, using absolute coordinates.
rotate_quat Rotate the object in 3D using a unit quaternion.
rotate_quat_absolute Rotate the object in 3D using a unit quaternion, using absolute coordinates.
translate Apply a translation to the object using map.
zoom Apply a zoom to the object.
zoom_absolute Apply a zoom to the object, using absolute coordinates.
interaction (get)
protected button_state_reset This aborts the internal state after a press call.
protected longpress_abort This aborts ongoing longpress event.
protected press Change internal states that a button got pressed.
protected unpress Change internal states that a button got unpressed.
future_rejected Creates a new future that is already rejected to a specified error using the Efl.Loop_Consumer.loop.get.
future_resolved Creates a new future that is already resolved to a value.
parent (get, set) The parent of an object.
promise_new Create a new promise with the scheduler coming from the loop provided by this object.
allow_parent_unref (get, set) Allow an object to be deleted by unref even if it has a parent.
children_iterator_new Get an iterator on all children.
comment (get, set) A human readable comment for the object.
composite_attach Make an object a composite object of another.
composite_detach Detach a composite object from another object.
composite_part_is Check if an object is part of a composite object.
event_callback_forwarder_del Remove an event callback forwarder for a specified event and object.
event_callback_forwarder_priority_add Add an event callback forwarder that will make this object emit an event whenever another object (source) emits it. The event is said to be forwarded from source to this object.
event_callback_stop Stop the current callback call.
event_freeze_count (get)
static event_global_freeze Globally freeze events for ALL EFL OBJECTS.
static event_global_freeze_count (get)
static event_global_thaw Globally thaw events for ALL EFL OBJECTS.
finalized (get)
invalidated (get)
invalidating (get)
name (get, set) The name of the object.
name_find Find a child object with the given name and return it.
provider_register Will register a manager of a specific class to be answered by Efl.Object.provider_find.
provider_unregister Will unregister a manager of a specific class that was previously registered and answered by Efl.Object.provider_find.
length (get)
seekable (get)
drag_action_set Set the action for the drag
drag_cancel Cancel the on-going drag
drag_start Start a drag and drop process at the drag side. During dragging, there are three events emitted as belows: - EFL_UI_DND_EVENT_DRAG_POS - EFL_UI_DND_EVENT_DRAG_ACCEPT - EFL_UI_DND_EVENT_DRAG_DONE
drop_target_add Make the current object as drop target. There are four events emitted: - EFL_UI_DND_EVENT_DRAG_ENTER - EFL_UI_DND_EVENT_DRAG_LEAVE - EFL_UI_DND_EVENT_DRAG_POS - EFL_UI_DND_EVENT_DRAG_DROP.
drop_target_del Delete the dropable status from object
setup_order Tells the object that its children will be queried soon by the focus manager. Overwrite this to have a chance to update the order of the children. Deleting items in this call will result in undefined behaviour and may cause your system to crash.
protected child_focus (get, set) Indicates if a child of this object has focus set to true.
protected setup_order_non_recursive This is called when Efl.Ui.Focus.Object.setup_order is called, but only on the first call, additional recursive calls to Efl.Ui.Focus.Object.setup_order will not call this function again.
language (get, set) The (human) language for this object.
border_insets (get, set) Dimensions of this image's border, a region that does not scale with the center area.
border_insets_scale (get, set) Scaling factor applied to the image borders.
calc_auto_update_hints (get, set) Whether this object updates its size hints automatically.
calc_freeze Freezes the layout object.
calc_parts_extends Calculates the geometry of the region, relative to a given layout object's area, occupied by all parts in the object.
calc_size_min Calculates the minimum required size for a given layout object.
calc_thaw Thaws the layout object.
can_downscale (get, set) If true, the image may be scaled to a smaller size. If false, the image will never be resized smaller than its native size.
can_upscale (get, set) If true, the image may be scaled to a larger size. If false, the image will never be resized larger than its native size.
center_fill_mode (get, set) Specifies how the center part of the object (not the borders) should be drawn when EFL is rendering it.
clipper (get, set) Clip one object to another.
color (get, set) This will set the color on every object in the sub-tree including those that are not Efl.Ui.Widget (like simple Efl.Canvas.Object objects that are added via Efl.Canvas.Group.group_member_add).
content_align (get, set) This property determines how contents will be aligned within a container if there is unused space.
content_hint (get, set) Content hint setting for the image. These hints might be used by EFL to enable optimizations.
content_region (get)
drag_target (get, set) Control whether the object's content is changed by drag and drop.
group_data (get)
image_load_error (get)
invalidate Implement this method to perform special actions when your object loses its parent, if you need to.
load_async_cancel Cancel preloading an image object's image data in the background.
load_async_start Begin preloading an image object's image data in the background.
load_dpi (get, set) The DPI resolution of an image object's source image.
load_orientation (get, set) Defines whether the orientation information in the image file should be honored.
load_region (get, set) Inform a given image object to load a selective region of its source image.
load_region_support (get)
load_scale_down (get, set) The scale down factor is a divider on the original image size.
load_size (get, set) The load size of an image.
load_skip_header (get, set) Initial load should skip header check and leave it all to data load.
message_send Sends an (Edje) message to a given Edje object
part_exist (get)
property_bind bind property data with the given key string. when the data is ready or changed, bind the data to the key action and process promised work.
ratio (get)
scale_hint (get, set) The scale hint of a given image of the canvas.
scale_method (get, set) Determine how the image is scaled at render time.
signal_emit Sends/emits an Edje signal to this layout.
signal_process Processes an object's messages and signals queue.
smooth_scale (get, set) Whether to use high-quality image scaling algorithm for this image.
stretch_region (get, set) This property defines the stretchable pixels region of an image.
visible (get, set) The visibility of a canvas object.
protected calc_force Forces a Size/Geometry calculation.
protected extents (get, set) Geometry of accessible widget.
l10n_text (get, set) A unique string to be translated.
bounce_enabled (get, set) When scrolling, the scroller may "bounce" when reaching the edge of the content object. This is a visual way to indicate the end has been reached. This is enabled by default for both axes. This property determines if bouncing is enabled in each axis. When bouncing is disabled, scrolling just stops upon reaching the end of the content.
content_pos (get, set) Position of the content inside the scroller.
content_size (get)
gravity (get, set) Control scrolling gravity on the scrollable.
looping (get, set) Controls infinite looping for a scroller.
match_content (set)
movement_block (get, set) Blocking of scrolling (per axis).
scroll_freeze (get, set) Freezes scrolling movement (by input of a user). Unlike Efl.Ui.Scrollable.movement_block, this property freezes bidirectionally. If you want to freeze in only one direction, see Efl.Ui.Scrollable.movement_block.
scroll_hold (get, set) When hold turns on, it only scrolls by holding action.
step_size (get, set) Amount to scroll in response to cursor key presses.
viewport_geometry (get)
bar_mode (get, set) Scrollbar visibility mode, for each of the scrollbars.
bar_position (get, set) Position of the thumb (the draggable zone) inside the scrollbar. It is calculated based on current position of the viewport inside the total content.
bar_size (get)
protected bar_visibility_update Update bar visibility.
has_owner Determine whether the selection data has owner
selection_clear Clear the selection data from the object
selection_get Get the data from the object that has selection
selection_set Set the selection data to the object
access_info (get, set) Accessibility information.
cursor (get, set) The cursor to be shown when mouse is over the object
cursor_style (get, set) A different style for the cursor.
cursor_theme_search_enabled (get, set) Whether the cursor may be looked in the theme or not.
debug_name_override Build a read-only name for this object used for debugging.
destructor Implement this method to provide deinitialization code for your object if you need it.
disabled (get, set) Whether the widget is enabled (accepts and reacts to user inputs).
finalize Implement this method to finish the initialization of your object after all (if any) user-provided configuration methods have been executed.
protected set focus (get, set) Whether the widget is currently focused or not.
focus_allow (get, set) The ability for a widget to be focused.
focus_geometry (get)
focus_manager (get)
focus_move_policy (get, set) The widget's focus move policy.
focus_move_policy_automatic (get, set) Control the widget's focus_move_policy mode setting.
focus_parent (get)
group_calculate Triggers an immediate recalculation of this object's geometry.
group_member_remove Removes a member object from a given smart object.
i18n_name (get, set) Accessible name of the object.
mirrored (get, set) Whether this object should be mirrored.
mirrored_automatic (get, set) Whether the property Efl.Ui.I18n.mirrored should be set automatically.
model (get, set) Model that is/will be
no_render (get, set) Disables all rendering on the canvas.
provider_find Searches upwards in the object tree for a provider which knows the given class/interface.
scale (get, set) The scaling factor of an object.
scroll_freeze_pop Pop scroller freeze
scroll_freeze_push Push scroller freeze
scroll_hold_pop Pop scroller hold
scroll_hold_push Push scroll hold
style (get, set) The widget style to use.
protected access_children (get)
protected attributes (get)
protected focus_grab Focuses accessible widget.
protected focus_highlight_geometry (get)
protected focus_state_apply Apply a new focus state on the widget.
protected interest_region (get)
protected on_access_activate Hook function called when widget is activated through accessibility.
protected on_access_update Hook function called when accessibility is changed on the widget.
protected part_get Returns Efl.Ui.Widget_Part.
protected resize_object (set)
protected state_set (get)
protected translation_update This implements the calls to gettext() and text_set().
protected widget_parent (get, set) The internal parent of this widget.
protected widget_sub_object_add Virtual function customizing sub objects being added.
protected widget_sub_object_del Virtual function customizing sub objects being removed.



Called when photocam download finished


Called when photocam download failed


Called when photocam download progress updated


Called when photocam download started


Called when photocam loading started


Called when photocal detail loading started


Called when photocam loading finished


Called when photocam detail loading finished


Called when photocam got pressed


active,descendant,changed Called when active state of descendant has changed
added Called when item is added
bounds,changed Called when boundaries have changed
children,changed Called when children have changed
property,changed Called when property has changed
removed Called when item is removed
state,changed Called when state has changed
visible,data,changed Called when visibility has changed
member,added Called when a member is added to the group.
member,removed Called when a member is removed from the group.
animator,tick Animator tick synchronized with screen vsync if possible.
gesture,double_tap Emitted when a Double-tap gesture has been detected. A Double-tap gesture consists of two taps on the screen (or clicks of the mouse) in quick succession. If the second one is delayed for too long they will be detected as two independent Efl.Gesture.Events.gesture,tap events.
gesture,flick Emitted when a Flick gesture has been detected.
gesture,long_tap Emitted when a Long-tap gesture has been detected. A Long-tap gesture consists of a touch of the screen (or click of the mouse) followed by a release after some time. If the release happens too quickly a Efl.Gesture.Events.gesture,tap event will be emitted instead.
gesture,momentum Emitted when a Momentum gesture has been detected. A Momentum gesture consists of a quick displacement of the finger while touching the screen (or while holding down a mouse button).
gesture,tap Emitted when a Tap gesture has been detected. A Tap gesture consists of a touch of the screen (or click of the mouse) quickly followed by a release. If the release happens too late a Efl.Gesture.Events.gesture,long_tap event will be emitted instead.
gesture,triple_tap Emitted when a Triple-tap gesture has been detected. A Triple-tap gesture consists of three taps on the screen (or clicks of the mouse) in quick succession. If any of them is delayed for too long they will be detected as independent Efl.Gesture.Events.gesture,tap or Efl.Gesture.Events.gesture,double_tap events.
gesture,zoom Emitted when a Zoom gesture has been detected. A Zoom gesture consists of two fingers touching the screen and separating ("zoom in") or getting closer ("zoom out" or "pinch"). This gesture cannot be performed with a mouse as it requires more than one pointer.
position,changed Object was moved, its position during the event is the new one.
size,changed Object was resized, its size during the event is the new one.
visibility,changed Object's visibility state changed, the event value is the new state.
hints,changed Object hints changed.
image,preload_state,changed If true, image data has been preloaded and can be displayed. If false, the image data has been unloaded and can no longer be displayed.
image,resized Image was resized (its pixel data). The event data is the image's new size.
stacking,changed Object stacking was changed.
clicked Called when object is in sequence pressed and unpressed by the primary button
clicked,any Called when object is in sequence pressed and unpressed by any button. The button that triggered the event can be found in the event information.
longpressed Called when the object receives a long press, event_info is the button that got pressed
pressed Called when the object is pressed, event_info is the button that got pressed
unpressed Called when the object is no longer pressed, event_info is the button that got pressed
finger,down Finger pressed (finger id is known).
finger,move Finger moved (current and previous positions are known).
finger,up Finger released (finger id is known).
focus,in A focus in event.
focus,out A focus out event.
hold All input events are on hold or resumed.
key,down Keyboard key press.
key,up Keyboard key release.
pointer,axis Pen or other axis event update.
pointer,cancel Main pointer button press was cancelled (button id is known). This can happen in rare cases when the window manager passes the focus to a more urgent window, for instance. You probably don't need to listen to this event, as it will be accompanied by an up event.
pointer,down Main pointer button pressed (button id is known).
pointer,in Pointer entered a window or a widget.
pointer,move Main pointer move (current and previous positions are known).
pointer,out Pointer left a window or a widget.
pointer,up Main pointer button released (button id is known).
pointer,wheel Mouse wheel event.
circular,dependency A circular dependency between parts of the object was found.
recalc The layout was recalculated.
del Object is being deleted. See Efl.Object.destructor.
destruct Object has been fully destroyed. It can not be used beyond this point. This event should only serve to clean up any reference you keep to the object.
invalidate Object is being invalidated and losing its parent. See Efl.Object.invalidate.
noref Object has lost its last reference, only parent relationship is keeping it alive. Advanced usage.
ownership,shared Object has acquired a second reference. It has multiple owners now. Triggered whenever increasing the refcount from one to two, it will not trigger by further increasing the refcount beyond two.
ownership,unique Object has lost a reference and only one is left. It has just one owner now. Triggered whenever the refcount goes from two to one.
drag,accept accept drag data
drag,done drag is done (mouse up)
drag,drop called when the drag object dropped on this object
drag,enter called when the drag object enters this object
drag,leave called when the drag object leaves this object
drag,pos called when the drag object changes drag position
drag Called when drag operation starts
drag,end Called when drag operation ends
drag,start Called when drag started
drag,start,down Called when drag starts into down direction
drag,start,left Called when drag starts into left direction
drag,start,right Called when drag starts into right direction
drag,start,up Called when drag starts into up direction
drag,stop Called when drag stopped
child_focus,changed Emitted if child_focus has changed.
focus,changed Emitted if the focus state has changed.
focus_geometry,changed Emitted if focus geometry of this object has changed.
focus_manager,changed Emitted when a new manager is the parent for this object.
focus_parent,changed Emitted when a new logical parent should be used.
drop Called when drop from drag and drop happened
properties,changed Event dispatched when a property on the object has changed due to a user interaction on the object that a model could be interested in.
property,bound Event dispatched when a property on the object is bound to a model. This is useful to avoid generating too many events.
edge,down Called when hitting the bottom edge.
edge,left Called when hitting the left edge.
edge,right Called when hitting the right edge.
edge,up Called when hitting the top edge.
scroll,anim,finished Called when scroll animation finishes.
scroll,anim,started Called when scroll animation starts.
scroll,changed Called when scrolling.
scroll,down Called when scrolling downwards.
scroll,drag,finished Called when scroll drag finishes.
scroll,drag,started Called when scroll drag starts.
scroll,finished Called when scroll operation finishes.
scroll,left Called when scrolling left.
scroll,right Called when scrolling right.
scroll,started Called when scroll operation starts.
scroll,up Called when scrolling upwards.
bar,dragged Emitted when thumb is dragged.
bar,hide Emitted when scrollbar is hidden.
bar,pos,changed Emitted when thumb position has changed.
bar,pressed Emitted when thumb is pressed.
bar,show Emitted when scrollbar is shown.
bar,size,changed Emitted when thumb size has changed.
bar,unpressed Emitted when thumb is unpressed.
wm_selection,changed Called when display server's selection has changed
model,changed Event dispatched when a new model is set.
access,changed Called when accessibility changed
language,changed Called when widget language changed
zoom,change Called when zooming changed
zoom,start Called when zooming started
zoom,stop Called when zooming stopped